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The 'hypnotic state' and eye movements. Less there than meets the eye?




Responsiveness to hypnotic procedures has been related to unusual eye behaviors for centuries. Kallio and collaborators claimed recently that they had found a reliable index for "the hypnotic state" through eye-tracking methods. Whether or not hypnotic responding involves a special state of consciousness has been part of a contentious debate in the field, so the potential validity of their claim would constitute a landmark. However, their conclusion was based on 1 highly hypnotizable individual compared with 14 controls who were not measured on hypnotizability. We sought to replicate their results with a sample screened for High (n = 16) or Low (n = 13) hypnotizability. We used a factorial 2 (high vs. low hypnotizability) x 2 (hypnosis vs. resting conditions) counterbalanced order design with these eye-tracking tasks: Fixation, Saccade, Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN), Smooth pursuit, and Antisaccade (the first three tasks has been used in Kallio et al.'s experiment). Highs reported being more deeply in hypnosis than Lows but only in the hypnotic condition, as expected. There were no significant main or interaction effects for the Fixation, OKN, or Smooth pursuit tasks. For the Saccade task both Highs and Lows had smaller saccades during hypnosis, and in the Antisaccade task both groups had slower Antisaccades during hypnosis. Although a couple of results suggest that a hypnotic condition may produce reduced eye motility, the lack of significant interactions (e.g., showing only Highs expressing a particular eye behavior during hypnosis) does not support the claim that eye behaviors (at least as measured with the techniques used) are an indicator of a "hypnotic state.” Our results do not preclude the possibility that in a more spontaneous or different setting the experience of being hypnotized might relate to specific eye behaviors.
机译:几个世纪以来,对催眠程序的反应与异常的眼睛行为有关。 Kallio和合作者最近声称,他们已经通过眼动追踪方法找到了“催眠状态”的可靠指标。催眠反应是否涉及一种特殊的意识状态一直是该领域争议性辩论的一部分,因此其主张的潜在有效性将成为一个里程碑。但是,他们的结论是基于1位高度易催眠的个体,而14位未进行催眠性测定的对照组则有此结果。我们试图用筛选为高(n = 16)或低(n = 13)催眠性的样品复制他们的结果。我们使用阶乘2(催眠率高与催眠率低)x 2(催眠与静息状态)的平衡订单设计,完成以下眼动追踪任务:注视,扫视,视动性眼球震颤(OKN),平稳追逐和抗扫视(前三个)任务已在Kallio等人的实验中使用)。与预期的相比,Highs报告的催眠作用比Lows更深,但仅在催眠状态。对于Fixation,OKN或Smooth追踪任务没有明显的主要或交互作用。对于“扫视”任务,在催眠过程中高点和低点都有较小的扫视,而在“反扫视”任务中,催眠过程中两组的反扫视都较慢。尽管有两个结果表明,催眠状态可能会降低眼部运动能力,但缺乏明显的相互作用(例如,仅显示在催眠过程中表达特定眼部行为的Highs)并不支持眼部行为的说法(至少以使用的技术)是“催眠状态”的指标。我们的结果并不排除在更自然或不同的环境中被催眠的经历可能与特定的眼部行为有关的可能性。



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